Worship & Ministries
Worship Service: Sundays at 10:00 a.m.
Worship plays a central role in the life of Sumner UMC. Our faith community worships each Sunday at 10:00am in the church sanctuary and is livestreamed via Zoom for those who wish to worship online. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of the month. Worship is family friendly, that includes time with the children in worship, followed by Children’s Sunday School. We invite you to visit Sumner UMC and experience worship for yourself. Join us on Sundays!
What are the current safety protocols in the church building? If you are COVID positive or think you may be, then please attend our service online via Zoom, in the safety of your home. Sumner UMC will continue to comply with our community’s directives.
Community Hour: Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
Community and fellowship is important to us. Join us for coffee, snacks and conversation in the fellowship hall immediately after the worship service. The first Sunday of each month with make sandwiches for Sumner youth in need, served at the Sumner skate park with friends from Mother 2 Many.
Community Groups - Inviting all to grow in their relationship with God
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join a community group. Sumner UMC offers a variety of groups and ministries to build meaningful relationships on the journey of faith. There are Monday and Wednesday book groups, Tuesday Bible Study, Reconciling Ministry group, music groups (Choir, Praise Team, and Handbell Choir), and community service opportunities. If you’re interested in connecting or checking out a group please contact the church office at office@sumnerumc.org.
Children's Sunday School: Sundays at 10:20 a.m.
Children’s ministry seeks to journey together in supporting the spiritual formation of children. Sunday school is a place for children and families to be in a supportive community of faith to wonder, engage, and develop a deeper faith. Children gather for the children’s message in worship and meet for Sunday school immediately after the children’s message.
Handbell Choir: Select Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
The handbell choir begins rehearsing music for Easter Sunday, Advent and Christmas two months in advance. All are welcome. Reading music is not required.
Choir: Select Sundays at 11:00 a.m.
The choir sings for Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve service and on other worship occasions during the year. All are welcome. No singing experience is required!
Vacation Bible School: Typically held in July
Our summer program for children (Grades K-5) to engage in learning stories from the Bible, participate in singing worship songs, fun activities, arts, crafts, science projects and to be in community with other children. VBS programming is for children entering Kindergarten through grade 5, and a preschool class option. VBS is in July, online registration opens in Spring on the church website.