The Easter Season is the most joyous season of the Christian year. We celebrate the good news that in Christ’s death and resurrection we, and all creation, are continually being made new by God’s love and saving grace. Here you will find opportunities to deepen your spiritual journey as we celebrate this season’s message of love, hope and transformation.
March 5, Ash Wednesday Services, 11:30am and 7:00pm. Begin the 40 day season of Lent in community and contemplation.
April 13, 10:00am Palm Sunday Service. Gather in community remembering Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as people waved Palm branches shouting, “Hosanna!”
April 17, 7:00pm Maundy Thursday Service Time of contemplation, scripture, songs and communion.
April 20, Easter Sunday, 10:00am & Children’s Egg Hunt. Celebrate the risen One for Easter Sunday worship, filled with music from the praise team and choir. Worship service will be followed by a Children’s Easter Egg Hunt, coffee and snacks during community time.