Fun & Friendship

United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith is a global group made up of all the women of the church. Traditionally focused on missions, both local and abroad, we still take time to be friends for one another. We have no scheduled meetings, but focus on events.

Whether it’s a baby shower for a first-time mother or meals during a health crisis, we support one another. Fund-raisers are also fun-raisers: Girls’ Night Out, Mystery Dinner parties, Talent/NoTalent shows, Strawberry Shortcake Feeds, and whatever else we can think up. Come join the fun!

Top of the Hill Community Lunch

Top of the Hill is a lunch community group for anyone who is “retired”, regardless of age. We share a meal and usually a have a short program. Past programs have included  Missions & Service Projects, Yoga of Laughter, and Home Safety by East Pierce County Fire and Rescue. Lots of variety, good food, and good conversation.


Choir rehearses in Advent and Lent leading up to the Christmas Eve Service and Easter Sunday Service. Everybody Welcome!
Reading music is not required.

Check Schedule here

Bell Choir

Bell Choir rehearses during Advent and Lent leading up the Christmas Eve Service and Easter Sunday Service.  Everybody Welcome!  Reading music is not required.

Check Schedule here